
Letter: Ideas for new taxes to support mental health

Dear Editor,

On Dec. 26, 2024 while watching the morning news, I saw a brief interview with State Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer discussing the budget shortfall and how she wants to cut certain programs. One can only imagine her cutting or eliminating any state funding to mental health programs that help people who have no insurance coverage and who need mental health treatment.

If I were a candidate for the State Senate, I would submit legislation that would address the problem of budget shortfall as follows:

  1. Raise funding for the State School Police Protection Force by imposing an impact fee on every new home sold as well as every pre-owned home sold. This impact fee would be sliding scale and it would raise significant funds that the state needs.
  2. Impose a “homeless tax” on Amazon in order to address the homeless crisis and build transitional housing by using existing warehouses that are already built and unleased. Trust me that Amazon can afford to pay a few million dollars every year. 
  3. Impose a “law enforcement tax” on the oil and gas industry to support law enforcement agencies in Colorado.

Part of the problem is Sen. Kirkmeyer, who is basically “owned” by the oil and gas industry. So, she will never draft legislation to impose (this) tax.

Joseph Bobko, Frederick

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